Helping You Make the Jump!
Our goal is to help you make the jump from being the "little guy" to taking the world by storm. Basecamp Co-Pack offers small to medium scale food manufacturing, co-packing and consulting for start-ups or companies that are too big to keep producing in a commissary but too small for the large co-packing facilities. Whether you're just starting out or you're ready to expand and grow, we are the "middle guy" and we can help guide you to your goals.
Some of the Things We Can Do For You...
Product Development
Process Scaling and Refinement
Ingredient Sourcing
Manufacturing and Co-Packing
Food Safety and Recall Plans
Our Facility
We are a raw food manufacturer (no ovens)
We are a GLUTEN FREE facility
We have a Robot Coupe R45, a VEMAG 500, a Hobart 60qt mixer, powder fillers (10g-999g), seed fillers (10g-999g), nut butter grinders, a stick pack machine (5g-150g), a heat sealer, and a horizontal flow wrapper
We can make gluten free nutrition bars, powdered mixes, oatmeal, snack mixes, nut butters, oils, teas and spice mixes.